The Forge Your Future Workshop

3 Essential Tools for Transformation

Registration is now CLOSED

But I would love to offer a special gift for you still!

On occassion I carve out time during my speaking and coaching schedule to offer a few free Discover Your Destiny Consultations. This powerful session will help us get clear on exactly what you want in any area of your life, what is holding you back, and what actions you can take towards a life you love living.

I have a limited number of appointments available and they often fill up quickly, so please click the button below before they are all taken.

About Ellen Whiteside

Ellen Whiteside

Ellen Whiteside

Ellen loves growing and learning and is passionate about the fact that it is never too late to go after a DREAM. With the life skills and wisdom that she has gained over her years on the planet, Ellen understands the importance of making bold decisions and taking action steps towards that decision. She is certified to teach the Dreambuilder program which is a proven, reliable, repeatable system that has helped tens of thousands of people all over the world to create lives that they love living. With over 40 years of studying and practicing metaphysical principles, Ellen is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. She is filled with joy and gratitude as she works with people to transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and the life they LOVE living.

Ellen Whiteside

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact me at