Certified dream builder coach
Hi, I’m Ellen Whiteside
Hi my name is Ellen Whiteside and I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I am a certified dream builder coach through The Brave Thinking Institute. I love the program that I teach my clients, which is a proven, repeatable, reliable system that has been used by tens of thousands of people all over the world to create lives that they love living.
I am dedicated to supporting you in designing and manifesting a life that aligns with the deepest purpose of your soul. With a genuine passion for heartfelt connections, my love for people shines through as I wholeheartedly listen and engage. Owning a spiritual retreat center for nearly two decades has granted me the privilege of connecting with individuals from around the globe, and I consider creating a safe and welcoming space as one of my superpowers.
Back Story & Passions
Education & Exploring
I grew up in Columbia, South Carolina. After graduating from Clemson University, I moved to Washington, DC, and worked for a year and a half. Saving my money, I left my 9 to 5 and backpacked through Europe for a year by train or hitchhiking.
After returning from Europe, I settled in Portland, Oregon, where I lived for 22 years. I started a flower cart business and after 4-½ years decided to become a licensed massage therapist which I did for 20 years.
My Travels
I love traveling and meeting people from other cultures. My favorite excursions have been trekking in Nepal, driving cross country in Tibet, and trips to China, Thailand, Egypt, India, and Costa Rica.
Other Passions
My other passions include my love for my dog and faithful companion, Murphy, and my Maine coon cat Zen Kitty. I am a coffee snob and love finding really cool coffee houses on my travels. I am a self-proclaimed Tesla geek and received my dream car in October 2021 and named her Joy because I get so much joy every time I drive her.
Core Values
I Believe in You
1. I believe that each and every one of us is far more powerful than any circumstance, situation, or condition.
2. I believe in love and bring love and care to every situation.
3. I believe in Integrity and I live what I teach and deliver what I promise.
4. I believe in fun and create joy, laughter, and fun in all aspects of my work.
5. I believe in growth and I am committed to always learning and exploring new ideas with a beginner’s mind.

Coaching Expertise
How I can Help

If you’re looking to gain clarity and confidence and achieve your next level of success while enjoying the highest levels of fulfillment in life, my Coaching Program can help you get there.