Coaching Style
Accessing Your Inner Potential
I use an evocative style of coaching which is a transformative method that empowers individuals to access their own inner wisdom and potential. It utilizes thought provoking questions and active listening to guide my clients towards their goals.
This approach fosters deep self-awareness and personal growth. This coaching style is designed to help individuals gain clarity, overcome obstacles, and achieve their desired outcomes. By tapping into their own inner resources clients are able to create lasting change and achieve greater success in all areas of their lives.
Coaching Services
Discovery Session
Are you looking for what’s next? The Discovery Session (Valued at $250) is the next most important step you can take that will move you in the direction of your dream.
It is a 60 Minute phone conversation where we get crystal clear on exactly where you are, what you would love to create, and the next most important step you can take that will move you in the direction of your dream. I am offering you this one-on-one session completely complimentary at no charge. It is my gift to you!
Individual Coaching
DreamBuilder® is a 12-week program where you learn a very deliberate process to be able to live a purposeful and deeply fulfilling life. Through this program, you will be coached by me and design a written blueprint of a life you would love living in four domains: health, relationships, vocation, and time and money freedom. With DreamBuilder®, you will learn how to reorient your thinking to explore possibilities and set your sights on what you really want.
Additionally, you will understand the source and meaning of fear and how to take action despite its presence, how to navigate through failure and setbacks, how to change your perception to create sustainable habits in your life, and much more! With DreamBuilder® you will participate in a weekly Zoom meeting with me, receive a detailed workbook to deepen your study, audio lessons, and guided meditations.
Group Coaching
Do you have a group you work with and you all have at least one goal or dream in common? I can customize a coaching experience for your group or organization to take you to the next level. Join me and let’s dive deeply into the DreamBuilder® 12-week program within a carefully crafted group dynamic and design a blueprint for your dream.
With DreamBuilder®, you will learn how to reorient your thinking to explore possibilities and set your sights on what you really want. Additionally, you will understand the source and meaning of fear and how to take action despite its presence, how to navigate through failure and setbacks, how to change your perception to create sustainable habits in your life, and much more. With DreamBuilder® you will participate in a weekly Zoom meeting with me, receive a detailed workbook to deepen your study, audio lessons, and guided meditations.